By Rick Dalton
As we hustle around this Christmas season, complaining about this or that, grumbling about the terrible weather, I think it would be good for us to remember a different time, under different circumstances, when hardships we cannot begin to understand were the regular course of daily life. I speak of Valley Forge Pennsylvania. Two hundred Thirty six years ago today, on 20 December 1777, the rag-tag army of volunteers under George Washington shivered in the bitter cold, naked, starving and yet, hopeful. They died at the rate of twelve per day.
For what? For an idea.
For freedom.
May we somehow find the courage and hope today to meet the challenges of our own Valley Forge today. Freedom is not free. And freedom, with the accompanying personal responsibility of every citizen, is the only answer to our problems in America. This account below taken entirely from American Minute, and I encourage you to go to the site and subscribe to the free newsletter.. There is an excellent archive of previous editions. Merry Christmas and Godspeed.
The Distinguished
Character of Patriot
Taken from “American
Minute” by Bill Federer
After the American victory at Saratoga, British
General Howe struck back by driving the patriots out of Philadelphia. On DECEMBER 19, 1777, over
11,000 American soldiers set up camp at Valley Forge, just 25 miles outside
Philadelphia. Meanwhile, another 11,000 Americans were dying on British
starving ships.
Soldiers at Valley Forge were from every State in the new union, some as young as 12 and others as old as 60.Among them were Marquis de Lafayette and John Marshall, the future Chief Justice.
Though most were of European descent, some were African American and American Indian.Lacking food and supplies, soldiers died at the rate of twelve per day.Over 2,500 froze to death in bitter cold, or perished from hunger, typhoid, jaundice, dysentery, and pneumonia. In addition, hundreds of horses perished in the freezing weather.
A Committee from
Congress reported on the soldiers:
"Feet and legs froze till they became black, and it was often necessary to amputate them.” Of the wives and children who followed the army, mending clothes, doing laundry and scavenging for food, an estimated 500 died.
Two days before Christmas, George Washington wrote: "We have this day no less than 2,873 men in camp unfit for duty because they are barefooted and otherwise naked."
"Feet and legs froze till they became black, and it was often necessary to amputate them.” Of the wives and children who followed the army, mending clothes, doing laundry and scavenging for food, an estimated 500 died.
Two days before Christmas, George Washington wrote: "We have this day no less than 2,873 men in camp unfit for duty because they are barefooted and otherwise naked."
Washington wrote:
"We have this day
no less than 2,873 men in camp unfit for duty because they are barefooted and
otherwise naked."
On April 21, 1778,
Washington wrote to Lt. Col. John Banister:
"No history...can furnish an instance of an army's suffering such uncommon hardships as ours has done, and bearing them with the same patience and fortitude
To see men without clothes to cover their nakedness, without blankets to lay on, without shoes, by which their marches might be traced by the blood from their feet, and almost as often without provisions...marching through frost and snow, and at Christmas taking up their winter quarters within a day's march of the enemy, without a house or hut to cover them...can scarce be paralleled.
"No history...can furnish an instance of an army's suffering such uncommon hardships as ours has done, and bearing them with the same patience and fortitude
To see men without clothes to cover their nakedness, without blankets to lay on, without shoes, by which their marches might be traced by the blood from their feet, and almost as often without provisions...marching through frost and snow, and at Christmas taking up their winter quarters within a day's march of the enemy, without a house or hut to cover them...can scarce be paralleled.
Despite these conditions,
soldiers prepared to fight.
In February, 1778, there
arrived in the camp a Prussian drill master, Baron Friedrich von Steuben, who
had been a member of the elite General Staff of Frederick the Great, King of
Prussia. Baron von Steuben, who was sent
with the recommendation of Ben Franklin,
drilled the soldiers daily, transforming the American volunteers into an army.
Lutheran Pastor Henry
Muhlenberg, whose sons Peter and Frederick served in the First U.S. Congress,
wrote in The Notebook of a Colonial Clergyman
"I heard a fine example today, namely, that His Excellency General Washington rode around among his army yesterday and admonished each and every one to fear God, to put away the wickedness ... and to practice the Christian virtues ...
God has ... marvelously,
preserved him from harm in the midst of countless perils, ambuscades, fatigues.”
Washington successfully
kept the army intact through the devastating winter, and gave the order at
Valley Forge, April 12, 1778:

“The General directs that the day shall be most religiously observed in the Army; that no work shall be done thereon, and that the several chaplains do prepare discourses."
On May 2, 1778,
Washington ordered:
"The Commander-in-Chief directs that Divine service be performed every Sunday...To the distinguished character of Patriot, it should be our highest Glory to laud the more distinguished Character of Christian.”
"The Commander-in-Chief directs that Divine service be performed every Sunday...To the distinguished character of Patriot, it should be our highest Glory to laud the more distinguished Character of Christian.”
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