Friday, December 20, 2013

Valley Forge: The Crucible of American Liberty

By Rick Dalton
As we hustle around this Christmas season, complaining about this or that, grumbling about the terrible weather, I think it would be good for us to remember a different time, under different circumstances, when hardships we cannot begin to understand were the regular course of daily life.  I speak of Valley Forge Pennsylvania.  Two hundred Thirty six years ago today, on 20 December 1777, the rag-tag army of volunteers under George Washington shivered in the bitter cold, naked, starving and yet, hopeful.  They died at the rate of twelve per day.

For what?  For an idea.

 For freedom.

May we somehow find the courage and hope today to meet the challenges of our own Valley Forge today. Freedom is not free.  And freedom, with the accompanying personal responsibility of every citizen, is the only answer to our problems in America.  This account below taken entirely  from American Minute, and I encourage you to go to the site and subscribe to the free newsletter..  There is an excellent archive of previous editions.   Merry Christmas and Godspeed.


The Distinguished Character of Patriot
Taken from “American Minute” by Bill Federer

After the American victory at Saratoga, British General Howe struck back by driving the patriots out of Philadelphia. On DECEMBER 19, 1777, over 11,000 American soldiers set up camp at Valley Forge, just 25 miles outside Philadelphia. Meanwhile, another 11,000 Americans were dying on British starving ships.

Soldiers at Valley Forge were from every State in the new union, some as young as 12 and others as old as 60.Among them were Marquis de Lafayette and John Marshall, the future Chief Justice.

Though most were of European descent, some were African American and American Indian.Lacking food and supplies, soldiers died at the rate of twelve per day.Over 2,500 froze to death in bitter cold, or perished from hunger, typhoid, jaundice, dysentery, and pneumonia.  In addition, hundreds of horses perished in the freezing weather.

A Committee from Congress reported on the soldiers:

"Feet and legs froze till they became black, and it was often necessary to amputate them.”  Of the wives and children who followed the army, mending clothes, doing laundry and scavenging for food, an estimated 500 died.

Two days before Christmas, George Washington wrote:
  "We have this day no less than 2,873 men in camp unfit for duty because they are barefooted and otherwise naked."
Washington wrote:
"We have this day no less than 2,873 men in camp unfit for duty because they are barefooted and otherwise naked."

On April 21, 1778, Washington wrote to Lt. Col. John Banister:
"No history...can furnish an instance of an army's suffering such uncommon hardships as ours has done, and bearing them with the same patience and fortitude
To see men without clothes to cover their nakedness, without blankets to lay on, without shoes, by which their marches might be traced by the blood from their feet, and almost as often without provisions...marching through frost and snow, and at Christmas taking up their winter quarters within a day's march of the enemy, without a house or hut to cover them...can scarce be paralleled. 

Despite these conditions, soldiers prepared to fight.

In February, 1778, there arrived in the camp a Prussian drill master, Baron Friedrich von Steuben, who had been a member of the elite General Staff of Frederick the Great, King of Prussia.  Baron von Steuben, who was sent with the recommendation of  Ben Franklin, drilled the soldiers daily, transforming the American volunteers into an army. 

Lutheran Pastor Henry Muhlenberg, whose sons Peter and Frederick served in the First U.S. Congress, wrote in The Notebook of a Colonial Clergyman

"I heard a fine example today, namely, that His Excellency General Washington rode around among his army yesterday and admonished each and every one to fear God, to put away the wickedness ... and to practice the Christian virtues ... 
God has ... marvelously, preserved him from harm in the midst of countless perils, ambuscades, fatigues.”

Washington successfully kept the army intact through the devastating winter, and gave the order at Valley Forge, April 12, 1778:

"The Honorable Congress having thought proper to recommend to the United States of America to set apart Wednesday, the 22nd inst., to be observed as a day of  Fasting, Humiliation and Prayer, that at one time, and with one voice, the righteous dispensations of  Providence may be acknowledged, and  His goodness and mercy towards our arms supplicated and implored:

“The General directs that the day shall be most religiously observed in the Army; that no work shall be done thereon, and that the several chaplains do prepare discourses."

On May 2, 1778, Washington ordered:

"The Commander-in-Chief directs that Divine service be performed every Sunday...To the distinguished character of Patriot, it should be our highest Glory to laud the more distinguished Character of Christian.”


Friday, December 6, 2013

Cynicism: A Dreadful Malady, by Rick Dalton

Rick Dalton

"A cynic is a man who when he smells flowers, looks around for a coffin." 
H.L. Mencken 
A friend of mine, (and he is truly a dear friend) who has finally come to the realization that America is in deep trouble, and that Obama (the man he voted for in 2008) is not the hope of the world, has become so cynical because of his diligent study of the signs of the times, that he sees no way out short of violent revolution.  here's what he said in a recent email:
It boils down to this.  The US is no longer the Republic the founding fathers put together.  "Because of this, there is NO POLITICAL SOLUTION to getting “back to the founding fathers”.  That ship sailed long ago.  Thinking that the US can be fixed politically (you know, that the people are going to magically become more moral, patriotic) is like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.  If it gives you goose bumps to listen to Reagan and his canned speech, then enjoy yourself with that."... Reagan is a puppet trying to foster nationalistic sentiments…no more, no less."

My friend (let's call him Frank) confuses nationalism with patriotism, and believes they are the same.   Not so.  Frank says he has no patriotism for America.  But is it still possible to have patriotic feelings toward America in spite of the problems we have?  Frank and I both agree on the scope of corruption and the goal of the criminal conspiracy that wants to take us down.  But I am proud to be called a patriot, and  Frank says patriotism has been "burned out" of him. Well, here's what patriotism is to me: 

“Patriotism means unqualified and unwavering love for the nation, which implies not uncritical eagerness to serve, not support for unjust claims, but frank assessment of its vices and sins, and penitence for them”
            ~Alexander Solzhenitsyn~


Solzhenitsyn knows a lot about  living in a nation that is ruled by evil people, and about patriotism.  He did what he did, risking his life to try and increase freedom in The Soviet Union, because he loved his mother country in spite of her sins.  He worked tirelessly for a better country, and he never gave in to crippling cynicism.

                 "What is a cynic?  A man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.
                ~Oscar Wilde~

This brings me to the main point of this post.

The only way to lose, in the end, is to give up.

The cynic can see all the faults in America; he can see all the dead-ends blocked off by the ruling elite.  Well, here's how Frank put it in an email to me today, Thanksgiving day:

"The powers that be have such power that there is no political solution (no reason to enter public office)

·         The Constitution is dead

·         It doesn’t matter who you vote for, the owners can lose enough votes to get their man in (Romney and the lost 8 million votes)

·         Ron Paul could never be in the White House (like Romney) because the powers at be can’t have a moral man in the presidency

·         Alex Jones- good
·         We will not be able to win our Liberty back..."

 So why try?  Why not just give up, and get ready to be enslaved in a massive dictatorship?  Why not become a government informant and at least earn some brownie points with the masters?  I have archived over five-hundred emails with Frank, and after looking back through them, I can't find a single positive statement about the future.  Not a single account of something he is doing to help turn the situation around.  Not a single suggestion or idea of something that can be done to improve our lot in America.  It kind of makes me want to go out and eat worms.

There's not a single mention in  Frank's emails of any part of the Constitution that we can still use to increase freedom, or any part that he thinks is still operative. Wow, Frank, we're toast, we're doomed.  The only answer, as he has told me many times is revolution.  I say, maybe, someday, but not yet.

One of Frank's favorite people is Ron Paul.  Dr. Paul knows how bad it is in America.  He's been warning about it for decades.  Yet, in spite of all our looming difficulties, he is still hopeful and positive in his approach.  In a recent video prepared for his supporters, and, I might venture, even for people like Frank, Ron Paul spoke of two things that give him encouragement.  First, he is grateful for the First Amendment that allows him - and me -  to speak out and criticize the policies of government that hold us back, to write about our heritage of freedom and the answers the Founders provided us.  Ron Paul has hope....and he's doing something about it.  Second, he has hope in the rising generation.  Which is why he has dedicated his life to education.  And in a small way, that's my chosen avenue to help in the fight for freedom.

OK, so what about other informed Americans' states of mind?  And maybe interplanetary travelers?
Have you ever noticed that heroes,  be they revolutionary war heroes, inventors, or the millions of

everyday heroes who walk the streets, work in the factories and homes of America, just seem to get up each day and continue to provide for their families, help others, contribute to their communities and just keep on keepin' on?

And when they see the corruption, corporate cronyism, criminal escapades and political skullduggery, they don't get discouraged and cynical.  They don't complain and point out everything that is wrong while sitting in their easy chairs yelling at the TV.  They find something they can do to help.

Take Patrick Henry.  He didn't hid his head in the sand, and he didn't shy away from the cold hard truth.  And he spread the word to to others, along with leadership in righting the wrongs of the British government.  For him, it was all or
nothing, "liberty or death."

"For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst and provide for it."

So Frank, what I'm trying to say, is that yes, we do need to know how bad it is, but we also need to know what can be done to help improve the situation, if only in our local area.  I urge all to try and locate a copy of the May 25th 1998 edition of The New American magazine, published by the the John Birch Society.  An article therein, titled "Hope's Foundation".  This article quotes Robert E. Lee, who said,
"My experience of men has neither disposed me to think worse of them, nor indisposed me to serve them; nor, in spite of failures, which I lament, of errors, which I now see and acknowledge, or of the present state of affairs, do I despair of the future.  The march of Providence is so slow, and our desires so impatient, the work of progress is so immense, and our means of aiding it so feeble, the life of humanity being so long, and that of the individual so brief, that we often see the ebb of the advancing wave, and are thus discouraged.
"It is history that teaches us to hope." 
Not so, says my friend Frank.  He said to me, when I told him about the marvelous intervention of God to save Boston, after the prayers of it's citizens beseeching God to turn back a seemingly invincible armada of French warships, that We can't "magically" save the Country, "that ship has already sailed"?
Reverend Thomas Prince didn't get the memo."  And in another email, after I reminded him that principles are eternal, Frank had this to say:
"Whether or not the Republic was founded on religious principles doesn’t matter to me, because 1)the Republic is dead, the Declaration of Independence is a declaration of a war that is over, and the Constitution is dead.
"No further comment on it (from me) is needed."
So, that's the way it is, huh Frank?  That's pretty cynical.  So where's my shovel?  I'll just go dig a hole and crawl in, and maybe eat some worms.   There is no forward thrust in cynicism.  Or, as Peggy Noonan says,
 "Cynicism is not realistic and tough. It's unrealistic and kind of cowardly because it means you don't have to try."
So, Frank, I want to make two things clear:   (1) I know things are bad, I know elections are rigged, I know the government is spying on us, I know corruption is entrenched in high places, I know all that.  I have been warning about it for over 35 years.  (2)  But, there is another thing that I know.  I know, whether the Constitution is dead or not, so was Lazarus.  I know:

God is not dead, nor doth He sleep.

And as Benjamin Franklin said, "God governs in the affairs of men".  And I know that one of the major causes, if not THE major cause of our predicament is the fact that we have lost God's promised protection on this land because of our wickedness.  The God of the Bible warns us that nations, as well as individuals will reap blessings or cursings based upon whether or  not we follow His rules and commandments of interpersonal and international behavior.  "Blessed is the Nation Whose God is the Lord", is not just a cute slogan.  And it has it's opposite.  Liberty is the "natural", or created state of man, and the rights of life, liberty and property are the endowment of our Creator.

He commanded his people, long ago, to "proclaim liberty throughout the land, unto all the inhabitants thereof." (Leviticus 25:10).  That is our heritage, that is our gift from God, and we can keep it only upon principles He has set forth.  He can save us; He has saved America more than once, and as Robert E. Lee said, history teaches us to hope.

God is not dead, nor doth He sleep.  We have no reason to give up, to let the disease of cynicism paralyze us.  Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.

Trying times

My friend Frank is actually doing something, albeit sad.  He is "prepping" as we all should be, but he is preparing to leave America for a country with more freedom.  He is going to be a deserter. This saddens me.  Times are tough, things look bleak, just like they did December 23rd, 1776, when George Washington had a pamphlet read to his weary, hungry and outnumbered troops. In the pamphlet "The American Crisis", Thomas Paine had something to say about this:
These are the times that try men's souls: The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.
I'm sorry, but those words, though written over two centuries ago, are not dead.  They ring out today lout and clear to all who will hear.  Washington, Paine, Madison, Monroe, and all the brave soldiers  who fought  in the Battle of Trenton two days later, refused to let cynicism take over their minds and bodies. Their miraculous success was amazing, even to Washington himself, and caused him to thank God.  This is a lesson that, once again, as Lee told us, "it is history that teaches us to hope."

Rome offers innumerable lessons from the past that are as important today as if they happened only yesterday.  Rome's once majestic Republic crumbled beneath the weight of licentiousness, greed and lust for power.  The situation was hopeless, yet Marcus Tullius Cicero spoke out, warned, pleaded with and scolded his fellow leaders to turn back and embrace once again the principles and practices that made of Rome the envy of the world.  Knowing of the intrigue and hate-inspired jealousy of those whose careers he threatened, he kept on, refusing to give into cynicism.  In the end, he gave his life, a victim of assassination, rather than stop his valiant efforts to increase liberty, integrity and greatness in his beloved Rome.  Thus, he is remembered as "the man who tried to save Rome".

To sum up, Frank is a dear friend of mine.  I have stood by him in very difficult times, and I have no doubt that he would to the same for me if the opportunity arose. He and I have many things in common, among them music and golf.  And though we disagree, our friendship remains strong.

In the arena of ideas is where our differences lie.  Frank's views are not unique.  There seems to be an outbreak of this malady, cynicism.  Many are infected.  But there is a vaccine and a treatment protocol.  They are both the same.

As the Founders wrote in the Northwest Ordinance, the same Congress that had just ratified the new Constitution,
Art. 3. "Religion, morality, and knowledge, being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged."

So there you have it, religion, morality and knowledge are essential to freedom, and that is why Bibles and Hymnals were purchased by Congress and state governments for use in the schools.  These principles are the answer, the recipe, and the means for our revival.

And they were placed in order of importance in the document. 

My friends, during this "holiday" season, let us never forget what holiday it is that we are celebrating; let us not forget our part in this vast undertaking of defending liberty and God-given rights.

Say no to cynicism.  Inoculate yourself against its ravages.  If you find yourself  with symptoms, stop, take a moment look at history, look at your children, look to the Word of God, and look to the many examples in your life today who are shining examples of hope, action and faithfulness.

Then, pick yourself up, prayerfully find something you can actually do to spread the word of freedom. Share information with your friends, family and neighbors, volunteer with a good organization that is established and respected.  Donate to the same.

Longfellow was not a victim nor a carrier of cynicism.
I heard the bells on Christmas day
Their old familiar carols play,
And wild and sweet the words repeat
Of peace on earth, good will to men.
And thought how, as the day had come,
The belfries of all Christendom
Had rolled along the unbroken song
Of peace on earth, good will to men.
Till ringing, singing on its way
The world revolved from night to day,
A voice, a chime, a chant sublime
Of peace on earth, good will to men.
And in despair I bowed my head
“There is no peace on earth,” I said,
“For hate is strong and mocks the song
Of peace on earth, good will to men.”
Then pealed the bells more loud and deep:
“God is not dead, nor doth He sleep;
The wrong shall fail, the right prevail
With peace on earth, good will to men.”

This is a long post, but I am constrained to do it.  I close with this excerpt from a great American, Ezra Taft Benson, secretary of Agriculture under Eisenhower, and President and Prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints:
“There are people today all over the world who in their own courageous and sometimes quiet ways are working for freedom. In many cases we will never know until the next life all they sacrificed for liberty. These patriots are receiving heaven's applause for the role they are playing, and in the long run that applause will be louder and longer than any they could receive in this world.

"Which leads me to the second blind spot of those who hesitate to get into the fight. And that is their failure to realize that we will win in the long run, and for keeps, and that they pass up great blessings by not getting into the battle now when the odds are against us and the rewards are greatest.

"The only questions, before the final victory, are, first, ‘What stand will each of us take in this struggle?’ and second, ‘How much tragedy can be avoided by doing something now?’

"Time is on the side of truth—and truth is eternal. Those who are fighting against freedom may feel confident now, but they are shortsighted.

"This is still God's world. The forces of evil, working through some mortals, have made a mess of a good part of it. But it is still God's world. In due time, when each of us has had a chance to prove ourselves-including whether or not we are going to stand up for freedom—God will interject himself, and the final and eternal victory shall be for free agency. And then shall those complacent people on the sidelines, and those who took the wrong but temporarily popular course, lament their decisions. To the patriots I say this: Take that long eternal look. Stand up for freedom, no matter what the cost. Stand up and be counted. It can help to save your soul-and maybe your country.(Ezra Taft Benson, An Enemy Hath Done This, p. 62.)
 Let's get to work.


Sunday, November 17, 2013

Whose Side Are You On?

Must We Take Sides?

Indeed, we must.

Posted by Rick Dalton 

These days are not the "good old days". 

 They're the radical dangerous new days.

As hard as it is to admit and face up to it, we are facing a great societal schism in America, and indeed, in the world.  That this day would come has been a theme of more than one forward-looking patriot.  Many prophets from ancient days have written about our time. 

Thomas Jefferson warned that happiness for future generations would depend on the federal government protecting people's rights, and refraining from "taking care of them".  George Washington warned that we would not have peace and prosperity if we entangled ourselves with foreign alliances that squandered the sovereignty that has been won by the blood of patriots.

We have dug ourselves into a very deep hole financially, and economically, with our embrace a long time ago of a national bank of private banksters that are deliberately dragging us down to the least common denominator.  Ayn Rand tried to tell us what was going to happen.

Most of our protective peace officers, now called law enforcement officers, are very nearly militarized, nationalized, and have shed the mantle of "protect and serve" in favor enforcer and controller.  The myriad federal agencies that were once mere nuisances have become storm troopers with their own SWAT teams.

There are still quite a number of "good guys" who really are peace officers out there, but their ranks are dwindling due to the training they receive.

Increasingly, there is a division taking place on the streets, in the homes, and workplaces of America.  It's not the between the street criminals and the law abiding citizens.  That division has existed for centuries.  It is, sadly, a division between citizens in the private sector and those in the public (governmental) sector.  This division is breaking down traditional respect and support for those in the executive branch whose job it is to enforce laws.  Instead of seeing themselves as servant-protectors, they see themselves as supervisor-controllers.  They must be stopped.

EPA nightmare

So many agencies of the fedgov have gone off-base that it's hard to say which one is doing the most damage to America.  The EPA has declared war on coal mining and refining, along with lead refining.  In doing so, it has reduced our energy production as well as putting a nail in the coffin of domestic manufacture of bullets.  That's right, bullets.  This is just another way of attacking the 2nd Amendment.  Guns, after all, are no good without bullets.  The EPA must be stopped.

Injustice from the Justice Department

The federal umbrella agency over law enforcement is arrayed against law abiding Americans in a number of ways.  Siding with illegal aliens who break our laws against US citizens, Eric Holder's  department has sued states who attempt to do the job that the feds have refused (not simply failed) to do.  Holder should be, and probably will be,  impeached.  He must be stopped.

North American Union

The plan to usher in the New World Order has been regionalized for decades.  The march to the current European Union started with a seemingly benign trade treaty.  Gradually it grew and spread till it was a regional government, with basically all of Europe now under it's control.  Sovereignty of nations is a thing of the past.  Zbigniew Brezhinsky's book Between Two Worlds which was published in the mid 1970s, declared the bold intention of the PTB to create a one world government, and the end of national sovereignty.   And now, the North American Union, between the US, Canada, and Mexico, is rising before our eyes.  NAFTA, CAFTA, and other planks of the plan are already working.  The United Nations, which is the track on which the train of collectivism is gaining speed, is the catalyst.  It must be stopped.

A bullet train

But the treaty now being negotiated, basically behind closed doors, by the administration, will seal the deal.  If implemented, it will spell the end of American Sovereignty.  Obama aims to have it so with or without the Constitution's mandate that the US Senate must ratify all treaties or they have no effect.  This monstrosity is deadly to freedom and though it claims to be a trade treaty, about half of it's chapters do not involve trade at all. 
The mainstream media is not touching it.  It must be stopped.

A Poke in the Electric Eye

The massive surveillance state that has been created in the US is another assault on freedom.  The NSA has many sites for snooping that are all off limits to regular people.  The new one in Bluffdale , Utah, is perhaps the largest.  The unconstitutional nature of it's spying does not worry it's creators in the least.  But a new idea spawned by several groups, including the Tenth Amendment Center, is aimed at shutting the facility down by cutting off its lifeblood - its supply of water.  It has to be stopped, one way or another.  We have to take a stand.  This must be stopped.

Sovereigns or Slaves?

This is the big question.  There are increasingly only two sides one can choose in this battle for liberty.  On the one side is the PTB (Powers that Be).  Rich, powerful, and others their useful idiots.  They will stop at nothing until their goal is achieved.  (Read Carroll Quigley's book Tragedy and Hope, which outlines the plan and those behind it.)  Those on this side include the leadership of both major political parties.  Don't believe it?  Do some real research.  Contact me if you don't know how, and I will point you in the right direction.
On the other side are millions who are tired, scared, and mad as hell.  We must get up from watching and yelling at the TV and do something.  We must refuse to allow anymore of our rights to be destroyed.  We must be willing to use any and every means to prevent it from happening.  Yes, I said EVERY means.  There are many types and descriptions of people on OUR side.  But the best way, the most motivational way to describe us is WE THE PEOPLE.
We must recognize the enemy.  The DOMESTIC enemies of the Constitution.  I took an oath and still hold that oath sacred.  Hundreds of Thousands of people have taken that oath. 
Any and every citizen who wants to remain free must take it also.  Contact organizations like Oath Keepers, Wall Builders, the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peach Officers Association, the National Center for Constitutional Studies, the Tenth Amendment Center, and others.  Don't start your own new organization.  Join with these solid, respected and proven groups.  Donate to them, volunteer for them and take a stand.
Whose side are you on?



Saturday, November 2, 2013

A true public servant gets justice.

Posted by Rick Dalton

In what was easily predicted by some, while at the same time astounding by others, the American jury system once again produced justice in a very unusual case.

On Halloween day, a jury of citizens in Liberty County, Florida, acquitted the duly elected Sheriff, Nick Finch (pictured above) of charges stemming from his personal actions in the release of a man who had been arrested by one of Finch's deputies on weapons charges.  Finch was unconstitutionally removed from office by the governor shortly after the incident.

The trial, which began Monday, was actually humorous to many in attendance, because there clearly was not a prosecution case that would hold water.  In removing the Sheriff, Governor Rick Scott apparently broke Florida law.

Finch's actions, dictated by the US Constitution and his oath to defend it, are to be praised far and wide.  He risked, and could have lost, his livelihood and his good name.  But the risk was worth it to a man who takes his oath seriously.

The details in this case are astounding, and provide reason for hope that there are indeed, true public servants still serving behind the badge.

And here:

And please write Sheriff Finch with your thanks, because his defense of one citizen's Constitutional rights is a defense of every one's.  Also, call Governor Scott and voice your disapproval of his arrogant actions, while thanking him for quickly reinstating Sheriff Finch.

Remember, if tyranny comes to your door, it will probably be wearing a uniform.


Monday, September 23, 2013

The "other half" of the Monroe Doctrine

Students of history know about the Monroe Doctrine's warning to Eurpeans to stay out of the affairs of the Americas.  But very few historians, policy makers and educators seem to remember the other half of it's wise verbage, through which President Monroe set forth a policy that echoed the warnings of George Washington in his Farewell.  Here are the words of the Monroe Doctrine:

The citizens of the United States cherish sentiments the most friendly in favor of the liberty and happiness of their fellow-men on that side of the Atlantic. In the wars of the European powers in matters relating to themselves we have never taken any part, nor does it comport with our policy to do so.

And Washington's clear warnings in greater detail:

"Observe good faith and justice towards all nations; cultivate peace and harmony with all. Religion and morality enjoin this conduct; and can it be, that good policy does not equally enjoin it - It will be worthy of a free, enlightened, and at no distant period, a great nation, to give to mankind the magnanimous and too novel example of a people always guided by an exalted justice and benevolence. Who can doubt that, in the course of time and things, the fruits of such a plan would richly repay any temporary advantages which might be lost by a steady adherence to it ? Can it be that Providence has not connected the permanent felicity of a nation with its virtue ? The experiment, at least, is recommended by every sentiment which ennobles human nature. Alas! is it rendered impossible by its vices?
In the execution of such a plan, nothing is more essential than that permanent, inveterate antipathies against particular nations, and passionate attachments for others, should be excluded; and that, in place of them, just and amicable feelings towards all should be cultivated. The nation which indulges towards another a habitual hatred or a habitual fondness is in some degree a slave. It is a slave to its animosity or to its affection, either of which is sufficient to lead it astray from its duty and its interest. Antipathy in one nation against another disposes each more readily to offer insult and injury, to lay hold of slight causes of umbrage, and to be haughty and intractable, when accidental or trifling occasions of dispute occur. Hence, frequent collisions, obstinate, envenomed, and bloody contests. The nation, prompted by ill-will and resentment, sometimes impels to war the government, contrary to the best calculations of policy. The government sometimes participates in the national propensity, and adopts through passion what reason would reject; at other times it makes the animosity of the nation subservient to projects of hostility instigated by pride, ambition, and other sinister and pernicious motives. The peace often, sometimes perhaps the liberty, of nations, has been the victim.
So likewise, a passionate attachment of one nation for another produces a variety of evils. Sympathy for the favorite nation, facilitating the illusion of an imaginary common interest in cases where no real common interest exists, and infusing into one the enmities of the other, betrays the former into a participation in the quarrels and wars of the latter without adequate inducement or justification. It leads also to concessions to the favorite nation of privileges denied to others which is apt doubly to injure the nation making the concessions; by unnecessarily parting with what ought to have been retained, and by exciting jealousy, ill-will, and a disposition to retaliate, in the parties from whom equal privileges are withheld. And it gives to ambitious, corrupted, or deluded citizens (who devote themselves to the favorite nation), facility to betray or sacrifice the interests of their own country, without odium, sometimes even with popularity; gilding, with the appearances of a virtuous sense of obligation, a commendable deference for public opinion, or a laudable zeal for public good, the base or foolish compliances of ambition, corruption, or infatuation.
As avenues to foreign influence in innumerable ways, such attachments are particularly alarming to the truly enlightened and independent patriot. How many opportunities do they afford to tamper with domestic factions, to practice the arts of seduction, to mislead public opinion, to influence or awe the public councils. Such an attachment of a small or weak towards a great and powerful nation dooms the former to be the satellite of the latter."

We didn't listen

Obviously, we can see from our current situation that we are deeply involved, and to our detriment, in all of these dangerous relationships, policies and operations.  Like the Roman Legions and the French Foreign Legion, our worldwide web of permanent military bases and other military operations, along with military contractors which differ only in name from our own troops, is beginning to crumble from the weight of it's own financial cost as well as the moral toll from having our men and women shovelled to their far-flung posts without provocation and without the civilizing influence of home.  Further, they are often without a clearly defined mission, and hence morale and unit cohesion suffer.
The Founders were not empire builders.  They believed God had leg them to the "New Israel", a future"shining City" of a nation that would be independent, prosperous, and which would lead by example.  Today we are hated by so many because we have turned our back on this vision.  Americans at home and abroad have been targets of hatred and violence.  We are trying, through brute force, to shape the world into a socialistic leviathan that our Founders never dreamed of, and if they did, it would have been a nightmare.

The story of our fall from greatness is detailed in a well documented book Globocop: How America Sold it's Soul and Lost it's Way.   By Mark David Ledbetter. This book catalogs the three periods of foreign policy from Protection, to Wavering, to Crusading, in which we always are going abroad in search of monsters to destroy.

The situation in which we find ourselves is dangerous, terribly expensive, and is actually changing the culture of America.  Unless the people rise up and wrest the power of government from the hands of these global empire-builders, we are in for the same fate as the Romans.

Read the book.  Share it's sobering ideas and facts.  And get to work taking back America.


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Celebrating Constitution Day!

By Rick Dalton

Today, 17 September 2013, is the two hundred twenty-sixth anniversary of the signing of our inspired Constitution.  On that day, those elect members of the Constitutional Convention each affixed their signatures to this great document, which created the first free people in modern times, and became the envy of the world.

Use it or lose it

We know that the decline in our standard of living, our traditional morality, and our unity, which has steadily taken place over the past 100 years is due to the rejection of the fundamental principles of the Constitution.  In the early days of the Republic, school children knew more about these principles, and about the documents that recognized and protected them (the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution) than many of our current elected leaders and most of our current population.

And today's "solutions" to our difficulties are made by those same leaders, who are elected by the same population.  We need a resurgence of serious scholarship regarding the origins and meaning of our Constitution, from the earliest grades in school to the halls of our institutes of higher learning.

How Much do You Know?

The duty of each citizen is to educate himself in these principles and to pass them on to his offspring, so that Freedom shall not perish from the earth.  There are many opportunities to learn these exciting principles, including the live seminars, online courses and other educational materials offered by the National Center for Constitutional Studies (  Did you know, for example that the Framers thought that they had prohibited paper money from ever being used in America?  Did you know that they included a method of electing senators that was specifically designed to protect the states against the intentional and unceasing expansion of unconstitutional actions of the federal government which have reduced the states to mere provinces?
Would you know whether a proposed piece of legislation or policy in Congress, state legislature or your local school board is in keeping with sound principles of government?  It is your duty.

Now is the time

Here below is a brief quiz from Wallbuilders (their contact info is below) about some tenets of the Constitution.  Take the quiz, and read further in the recommended literature.  You can also take the Making of America seminar online at, or follow the links to the live seminar schedule.  Either way, my thanks for your continued efforts to expand the cause of liberty.


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Test Your Knowledge!

"Are Your Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?" is a popular television game show. We thought this would be a good question to ask on Constitution Day (September 17, when the U. S. Constitution was signed in 1787). So here are some basic fifth grade questions on the Constitution from an 1828 elementary school textbook. See how you do! (Answers below.)
  1. Did [the states remain entirely distinct countries]?
  2. How often does Congress meet?
  3. May a man's children be punished by law for his offense?
  4. Can [the President] make the law?
  5. What is an oath?
  6. How long do [judges] remain in office?
  7. Why then should not Legislators hold their office in the same way?
  8. What was the subject of the first amendment?
  9. Have the different States of the Union all the powers which rightfully belong to a State, except those which are denied to them by the Constitution?

Find out how you did!
(The answers containing ellipses actually contain answers to multiple questions, so we just included the part addressing the questions above. These are from the 1828 Elementary Catechism on the Constitution of the United States by Arthur Stansbury.)
  1. No. Having been led to unite together to help each other in the war, they soon began to find that it would be much better for each of them that they should all continue united in its farther prosecution, and accordingly they entered into an agreement (which was called a Confederation) in which they made some laws which they all agreed to obey; but after their independence was obtained, finding the defects of this plan, they called a Convention in which they laid a complete plan for uniting all the states under one General Government - this plan is called The Federal Constitution. On this great plan, or Constitution the safety and happiness of the United States does, under Almighty God, mainly depend: all our laws are made by its direction or authority; whoever goes contrary to it injures and betrays his country, injures you, injures me, betrays us all, and is deserving of the heaviest punishment. Whoever, on the contrary, loves and keeps it sacred, is his country's friend, secures his own safety, and farthers the happiness of all around him. Let every America learn, from his earliest years, to love, cherish and obey the Constitution. Without this he can neither be a great or a good citizen; without this his name will never be engraved with honor in the pages of our history, nor transmitted, like that of Washington, with praises and blessings to a late posterity. (pp. 9-10)
  2. It must meet once, at least, in every year; but may meet oftener if necessary. (p. 19)
  3. In some countries, where a man has been guilty of treason, (that is, making war against the Government) a law is passed called a bill of attainder, by which his children are prevented from being heirs to him or to any other person; and, if he belonged to what in those countries is called the nobility, and his children would have belonged to it too, they are prevented; nor can they nor their children, nor their children's children, recover this privilege, till an act is passed for that purpose. No such law can be made in this country; it is expressly forbidden by the Constitution. (p. 38)
  4. Not at all. These two powers, of making law and executing law, are kept by the Constitution, entirely separate; the power that makes the law cannot execute it, and the power that executes the law cannot make it. (The one of these powers is called the Legislative, and the other is the Executive power.) . . . [I]t is the great safeguard of freedom; because, if the one makes oppressive laws, the other may refuse to execute them; or, if the one wishes to do tyrannical acts, the other may refuse to make a law for them. (p. 44)
  5. It is a solemn calling upon God, who knows the hearts of all men, and will call every man to account for his conduct in this world, to bear witness that what a man says is true, or that what he promises he means to perform. . . . [The President's oath of office]: "I do solemnly swear, that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States; and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States." (p. 50)
  6. During good behavior; that is, until they resign their office or are turned out of it for some great offense. (p. 61)
  7. Because they make the laws, while Judges only explain and apply them; it would be very dangerous to liberty to give our law makers power for life; they require restraint lest they should become our tyrants; - therefore their time of office is made short, so that if the people think them unwise or unfaithful they may refuse to give them the office again. (p. 62)
  8. The subject of the religious freedom. . . . [T]he right every man has to worship God in such a way as he thinks fit, without being called to account for his opinions or punished for them. . . . Congress was forbidden to make any law respecting an establishment of religion; that is, giving the preference to any one form of religion above another, and making laws to support it; or making laws to prevent men from freely holding or observing any particular form of religious belief and practice. (pp. 68-69)
  9. Yes. When the States united to form a constitution for their General Government, they agreed to give up to that government some of the powers they had before, and they set down in the Constitution what these powers were. All other powers they keep. The same thing is true respecting the people. All the powers they have not given up to the State Governments or to the General Government, they keep in their own hands. (p. 75)
To see more questions, check out Arthur J. Stansbury's 1828
Elementary Catechism on the Constitution of the United States.
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